Biz Builder

Biz Builder 15

Biz Builder 15 150 150 scalingupdev

This has been one of the most life-changing trainings I’ve attended. This has helped me so much already not just professionally but personally as it is giving me breakthroughs that are solving what have been perpetual frustrations in my life. What I loved most about this training was how you continued to ask “What is your ideal?” when approaching various aspects of the plan. It really kept me focused on using my ideal to guide my plan vs so many competing pressures and feelings. I didn’t realize how little I had been creating a life and practice around details that mattered most to me. It was so liberating to not only have permission but encouragement to keep my focus on that.

Biz Builder 14

Biz Builder 14 150 150 scalingupdev

I got a lot out of the training. I really like Kelly as a teacher: very clear and organized; answers questions well and manages time well. I feel equipped to move forward with marketing and an eventual full transition to intensives – I am grateful!

Biz Builder 13

Biz Builder 13 150 150 scalingupdev

Thanks so much, Kelly! I feel like you have changed my life… by helping me design a plan for my future as an EMDR therapist.

Biz Builder 12

Biz Builder 12 150 150 scalingupdev

Kelly helped me come up with a plan and even how to structure the time so I can implement this plan. I loved the way she presented the material as a group discussion. It was the best money I have spent in a long time.

Biz Builder 11

Biz Builder 11 150 150 scalingupdev

It was so valuable. I feel like I left with more knowledge and a plan to launch my intensive practice in June. Kelly is a gift to the EMDR community.

Biz Builder 10

Biz Builder 10 150 150 scalingupdev

Excellent coaching, excellent education, would recommend to others!

Biz Builder 9

Biz Builder 9 150 150 scalingupdev

Overall, this training exceeded my expectations. It was very well structured and knowledge presented was very useful. Great training and the trainer was awesome!

Biz Builder 8

Biz Builder 8 150 150 scalingupdev

Beyond what I imagined. Informative and connecting. This is doable sooner than anticipated. So much of the fear has been experienced before….shake that S–t off, then use it as manure to fertilize.

Biz Builder 7

Biz Builder 7 150 150 scalingupdev
I was so overwhelmed as I have been building my private practice as I leave my full time job. This training was a leap of faith for me and I’m so glad I leapt! I now have clarity and confidence to move forward with marketing myself as an EMDR Intensive therapist. The combination of personal work and logistics led to the ideal retreat!

Biz Builder 6

Biz Builder 6 150 150 scalingupdev

This was an amazing retreat!!! I walked away feeling confident, excited, motivated, and connected to other phenomenal providers. Kelly and Sadie are brilliant, welcoming, and truly created a sense of safety as we immersed ourselves in the EMDR Builders Retreat. Grateful for this opportunity.

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