Available in-person, live/online via Zoom, or hybrid
Private Group Trainings for EMDR Basic Training Parts I and II
Scaling Up Team

Private Group Trainings for EMDR Basic Training Parts I and II

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is a multifaceted and empirically validated treatment approach for a range of client presenting issues (particularly trauma-related). It incorporates somatic, emotional, cognitive, and narrative elements, and it facilitates accelerated change of clients’ adverse experiences.

EMDR Basic Training includes Part I and Part II, as well as 10 hours of consultation on EMDR Therapy, and reading an EMDR Therapy book by Francine Shapiro. This EMDR Basic Training is EMDRIA-Approved.

Clinicians are expected to begin using EMDR therapy with clients after completion of Part I and using group consultation to review these cases. The entire training must be completed within a 12-month period. Trainings include lecture, discussion, experiential exercises, demonstrations, and small group practice – all online! EMDR Basic Training is available to licensed mental health professionals or people working toward licensure and under the supervision of a licensed professional.

Click here to read more details about the training.


This offering is to help make the training more accessible to agencies wanting to train a group of people at the same time in a private format and customize the experience. Pricing is tiered based on the number of participants in the group training. We offer Private EMDR Basic Trainings in three formats: 100% live and online via Zoom, 100% In-Person (travel expenses will be incurred), or a Hybrid of the two formats (Part 1 conducted in-person and Part 2 & Consultations conducted live, online via Zoom).

Who is eligible?

Attendance in an EMDR Basic Therapy Training is limited to licensed mental health professionals, students in an accredited graduate program, and interns on a state licensing track.  Students and interns must receive approval for attendance. For information on eligibility requirements, click here.


We can provide the training 100% online, live streaming through Zoom; 100% in-person; or we can conduct the training as a Hybrid of the two formats (Part 1 in-person and Part 2 & Consultations live, online via Zoom).


Registration Fees

Pricing is tiered based on the number of participants in the training, as we will provide 1 facilitator for every 10 people in the group (in addition to the trainer). See pricing table below for details.

Travel Cost

The price will vary for the travel component of the training based on a few factors: 1) If the trainer and facilitators live locally; 2) How many people are in the training, as we need 1 facilitator for every 10 people in the training; and 3) Whether or not the training is hybrid or both parts are in-person. Based on your request, we can put together an estimate of the travel fees associated.

Number of Registrants
Total Training Price

10 people or less

$18,000 USD

11 – 20 people

$25,000 USD

21 – 30 people

$35,000 USD

31 – 40 people

$45,000 USD

41 – 50 people

$55,000 USD

51 – 60 people

$65,000 USD

61 – 70 people

$75,000 USD

71 – 80 people

$85,000 USD

81 – 90 people

$95,000 USD

91 – 100 people

$105,000 USD

Note: Any catering needs (coffee, water, snacks, lunch, etc) will be the responsibility of the agency or group requesting the Private Training.

Learning Objectives


  1. Identify 3 elements of the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model.
  2. Describe how the AIP Model guides case conceptualization & treatment planning.
  3. Identify how dual attention stimulation can activate the working memory theory to explain EMDR therapy’s mechanism of action.
  4. List 3 or more Negative Cognitions that are common for clients to list when experiencing EMDR therapy.
  5. Explain how to utilize the Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUD) Scale.
  6. Explain how to utilize the Validity of Cognition (VOC) Scale.
  7. Identify three options for Dual Attention Stimulus (DAS).
  8. Name and describe the 8 phases of EMDR therapy.
  9. Provide 2 possible resources to use when preparing a client for EMDR therapy.
  10. Determine how to access client readiness for EMDR trauma processing.
  11. Describe the 3-Pronged Approach to EMDR therapy.
  12. Explain the purpose of the container exercise in the preparation stage.
  13. Identify ways to identify potential targets with the client.
  14. Describe how to close down an incomplete target session during an EMDR therapy session.


  1. Utilize the client readiness checklist to determine readiness for trauma processing.
  2. Apply the 3-pronged approach to prioritize targets for reprocessing.
  3. Identify 2 examples of grounding the client when they are experiencing dissociation.
  4. Provide options to increase the charge during Desensitization.
  5. Provide options to decrease the charge during Desensitization.
  6. Implement 3 strategies to assist with blocked processing.
  7. Implement the protocol for closing down incomplete target sessions.
  8. Describe strategies to use EMDR for clients with Complex PTSD.
  9. Explain modifications in using EMDR therapy with children.
  10. Describe strategies to use with clients who are dissociative.
  11. Apply utilizing the Future Template during EMDR sessions with clients.
  12. Apply EMDR with client present day symptoms and future concerns.

Continuing Education (CE) Credits

Continuing Education (CE) credits are offered and included in the price of the training. After completing the EMDR Basic Training Parts I and II, participants will receive Certificates of Completion with 40 CE credits.

National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC): Scaling Up, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7065. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Scaling Up, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Psychotherapists completing this course will receive 40 continuing education credits.

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB): Scaling Up (provider number 1834), is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provisional regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Scaling Up maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period; (12-06-22 to 12-06-23). Social workers completing this course receive 40 asynchronous continuing education credits.

American Psychological Association (APA): Scaling Up, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Scaling Up, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Psychologists completing this course receive 40 continuing education credits.

Attendees must log in before or at the course begin time, attend the full training, sign out on or after the scheduled end time, and complete the course evaluation to be eligible to receive CEs. Partial credit cannot be awarded. After completion, the participant will receive an electronic certificate emailed to them at the end of the course.

*** This course is not eligible for EMDRIA continuing education units (CEUs).

Ready to start planning a private EMDR Basic Training? Contact us to start coordinating!