
Gov 5

Gov 5 150 150 scalingupdev

Excellent training and trainer- it was beautiful to see the community service providers come together for a common cause and rapidly create connections.

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Gov 4

Gov 4 150 150 scalingupdev

This turned out to be a life changing training. Out of all the trainings I’ve been at in the past 25 years, this is one of two that I feel changed me as a therapist and as a person. Thank you

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Gov 3

Gov 3 150 150 scalingupdev

I am very grateful for this opportunity and want to thank Lawrence County, Scaling Up, and all who had a hand in this training. It was well put together and so beneficial. I’ve learned so much and look forward to utilizing EMDR with my clients.

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Gov 2

Gov 2 150 150 scalingupdev

It was phenomenal to see nearly 50 clinicians come together, support one another’s learning and growth and cheer one another on to be the best we can be to serve our communities. Thank you for the training opportunity.

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Gov 1

Gov 1 150 150 scalingupdev

A big thank you to all who worked tirelessly to bring this training to everyone. The knowledge, support, warmth, humor, and kindness of everyone made this such an unforgettable experience. My own practice has been changed significantly by being a part of this. This is a huge win for Lawrence County!

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