Available on-demand
Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) Procedures

Acute Stress Treatment Intervention Procedures for Both In-Person and Online Care with Individuals and Groups

The Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) © treatment intervention procedures for group, individual, and Web-based formats were born during humanitarian field-work and are AIP-informed, carefully field-tested, evidence-based, and user-friendly approaches to reducing intrusive symptoms and regulating a client’s nervous system. Research results show a decrease in symptoms of anxiety, depression and PTSD after client’s receive the ASSYST treatment intervention.

The ASSYST is AIP-informed, which means it stems from and works together with the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol for Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-IGTP-OTS) © and the EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-PRECI) ©

For an extended explanation on the ASSYST treatment intervention procedures, please click here.

Mental health clinicians can often feel lost and overwhelmed when a client’s intrusive symptoms are causing such a high degree of dysregulation that client’s struggle to function well in day-to-day life.

In a world experiencing an increased amount of trauma, mental health struggles, and prolonged adverse experiences, the one-to-one, in-office traditional mental health care is not always enough to meet the widespread need. Therefore, mental health professionals need to be confident and able to respond to their client’s and community efficiently and quickly. This training will give mental health professionals a powerful tool to use both in and outside of the therapy room to respond to client’s experiencing heightened nervous system dysregulation.

The Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) individual procedure is designed to focus on the client’s nervous system regulation. It is utilized in rapid response settings and offered to client’s immediately after a traumatic experience (within hours, days or weeks). Additionally, it is used in Phase 2 of EMDR therapy to help the client prepare for reprocessing by regulating their nervous system and expanding their window of tolerance before starting the reprocessing phases of EMDR.

The Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) group procedure is designed to fill the gap between Psychological First Aid (PFA) and High-Intensity Intervention psychotherapy (e.g., EMDR, TF-CBT) after a critical incident or adverse experience when the person shows severe symptoms of psychological distress, physiological reactivity, and/or deterioration in current functioning. The group nature of this procedure allows for therapists to serve a large number of people in a short period of time.

The ASSYST-Remote for Individuals changes the script language for utilizing the procedure in an online format. It includes preparatory information when seeing clients online and uses the Butterfly Hug (BH) method to safely provide bilateral stimulation with the client. A demonstration video is also provided.

The ASSYST-Remote for Groups teaches participants how to offer the ASSYST in a group setting online. Providing online interventions can be tricky, especially with multiple people to care for simultaneously. This script is proven to work and we will teach you how, along with a demonstration video.

Training Overview

The objective of the ASSYST procedures is to help regulate a client’s nervous system by decreasing sympathetic branch hyperactivation. This is accomplished by reducing the distressing components (sensory, emotional, or physiological) of the intrusive symptoms with bilateral stimulation.

On a scale from 0-10 (10 being high disturbance and 0 being no disturbance), the ASSYST procedures reduce the intensity of distress from high (6-10) to low (0-3). This allows the client’s distressing symptoms to be more tolerable helping them to manage day-to-day life and follow up treatment interventions with more ease. The distress a client experiences may originate from a traumatic event, an aspect of a mental illness, memories of adverse life experiences or environmental stressors.

As a result of receiving the ASSYST procedures, research shows a significant reduction in symptoms of anxiety, depression and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

The ASSYST© procedures can be administered in various environments:

Click on the plus sign beside each category to learn more

  • LIIs are treatments are brief treatment interventions (max 6 sessions) with low usage of a therapist’s time. They are less resource-intensive, less expensive, and less complex than high-intensity treatments (psychotherapy provided by a mental health specialist over extended periods of time). LIIs are short, accessible, and efficient. The ASSYST© procedures are LII’s that give the possibility of direct, non-intrusive, physiological engagement with client’s experiencing heightened nervous system hyperactivation (e.g., sensory, emotional, and physiological encoded information).

  • These procedures can be administered within a Stepped Care Context to help reduce the client’s immediate intrusive symptoms following an adverse experience and help regulate their nervous system. It also allows for the therapist to determine which client’s need High-Intensity Intervention (HII) psychotherapy follow up. For example: The ASSYST-Group© procedure identifies that about 10% of people in the group need individual treatment following the ASSYST-Group procedure.

  • The ASSYST© procedures can be used within the first hours, days, or months after an adverse experience. It can also be utilized for ongoing traumatic stress situations, when the person shows severe symptoms of psychological distress, physiological reactivity, or deterioration in current daily functioning. The ASSYST© procedures fill the gap between Psychological First Aid (PFA) and High-Intensity Intervention psychotherapy (e.g., EMDR) after a critical incident or adverse experience.

  • The ASSYST procedures can be used alongside other evidence-based psychotherapies, such as sand tray therapy, CBT, play therapy, DBT, etc. to enhance treatment goals. And can also be utilized in conjunction with direct trauma treatment modalities, including EMDR, brain spotting, sensorimotor, somatic experiencing, and others to enhance results.

  • During the use of trauma treatment interventions, the ASSYST© often decreases dissociative reactions (e.g., numb/disconnected, shutdown, collapse, fainting) by reducing the nervous system sympathetic branch hyperactivation and therefore keeping the patients inside their window of tolerance.

  • Use the ASSYST© procedures with your staff to reduce vicarious trauma symptoms and increase retention in your agency or group practice. Managers offer ongoing ASSYST© interventions in a group setting for staff as regular “checkups” to process secondary trauma exposure and identify who needs individual follow up care.

The ASSYST© procedures can be administered in various environments:

Low-Intensity- Intervention (LII)

LIIs are treatments are brief treatment interventions (max 6 sessions) with low usage of a therapist’s time. They are less resource-intensive, less expensive, and less complex than high-intensity treatments (psychotherapy provided by a mental health specialist over extended periods of time). LIIs are short, accessible, and efficient. The ASSYST© procedures are LII’s that give the possibility of direct, non-intrusive, physiological engagement with client’s experiencing heightened nervous system hyperactivation (e.g., sensory, emotional, and physiological encoded information).

Triage Tool

These procedures can be administered within a Stepped Care Context to help reduce the client’s immediate intrusive symptoms following an adverse experience and help regulate their nervous system. It also allows for the therapist to determine which client’s need High-Intensity Intervention (HII) psychotherapy follow up. For example: The ASSYST-Group© procedure identifies that about 10% of people in the group need individual treatment following the ASSYST-Group procedure.

Critical Incident Response and Early Intervention

The ASSYST© procedures can be used within the first hours, days, or months after an adverse experience. It can also be utilized for ongoing traumatic stress situations, when the person shows severe symptoms of psychological distress, physiological reactivity, or deterioration in current daily functioning. The ASSYST© procedures fill the gap between Psychological First Aid (PFA) and High-Intensity Intervention psychotherapy (e.g., EMDR) after a critical incident or adverse experience.

Companion Intervention

The ASSYST procedures can be used alongside other evidence-based psychotherapies, such as sand tray therapy, CBT, play therapy, DBT, etc. to enhance treatment goals. And can also be utilized in conjunction with direct trauma treatment modalities, including EMDR, brain spotting, sensorimotor, somatic experiencing, and others to enhance results.

Supporting Client’s Window of Tolerance

During the use of trauma treatment interventions, the ASSYST© often decreases dissociative reactions (e.g., numb/disconnected, shutdown, collapse, fainting) by reducing the nervous system sympathetic branch hyperactivation and therefore keeping the patients inside their window of tolerance.

Burnout Prevention Tool

Use the ASSYST© procedures with your staff to reduce vicarious trauma symptoms and increase retention in your agency or group practice. Managers offer ongoing ASSYST© interventions in a group setting for staff as regular “checkups” to process secondary trauma exposure and identify who needs individual follow up care.

These treatment procedures are specifically designed to provide in-person or online support to clients who present acute stress disorder (ASD) or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Intense psychological distress and somatic reactivity caused by intrusive symptoms following an adverse experience can be reduced following the ASSYST intervention.

Examples of when the utilizing the ASSYST can help reduce activation and enhance treatment:

  • With clients at a domestic violence agency before conducting an intake can help regulate the client’s nervous system before client’s talk about triggering and traumatic memories.
  • To reduce the intensity of fear or anxiety a client is experiencing prior to implementing exposure therapies (such as OCD interventions) or recovery plan activities (utilized during addiction or eating disorder treatments).
  • For future worries and concerns: To lower the intensity of fear, worry and anxiety before initiating hard conversations, such as speaking in court, confronting an abuser, going through a divorce, etc.
  • When a client calls a therapist in a panic after a recent traumatic experience and can barely talk or function (i.e., freeze response), the ASSYST can help lower the distress making the symptoms and feelings more manageable for the client.
  • Utilizing the ASSYST in the preparation phase of EMDR therapy to help expand the client’s window of tolerance as they are preparing for the Desensitization phase of EMDR treatment.
  • As part of a Critical Incident Response (CIR) intervention in the workplace, school or community settings following a crisis or disaster.

Join lead trauma expert and researcher, Dr. Ignacio (Nacho) Jarero and his team for an insightful on-demand, in-person or online live streaming training that will expand your clinical knowledge base and learn a powerful tool that can be used right after completing the training.

Examples of online and in-person research with the ASSYST treatment procedures:

Adverse Life Experiences, such as:

  • Kidnappings
  • COVID-19-related distress
  • Interpersonal violence
  • Sexual and physical abuse
  • Childhood neglect and maltreatment
  • Syrian refugees and their traumatic refugee experiences
  • Vicarious trauma for hospital workers

Field work rapid response intervention after natural or man-made disasters, such as:

  • Since March 2022, we have been collaborating with the great work EMDR Europe has done addressing the Ukrainian population’s mental health needs with our ASSYST Humanitarian Psychosocial Project (HPP). As of November 29, 2022, our ASSYST HPP leader in Europe, Zuzana Cepelíková, reported that she and her team have trained on a pro-bono basis over 5,000 (five thousand) clinicians from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary and that those clinicians have been using the ASSYST procedures to successfully alleviate the suffering of countless Ukrainian children, adolescents, and adults’ refugees. To watch a video and learn more about this project, click here.
  • During 2020 & 2021, a total of 1,821 persons from the UK, USA, and Latin America received the ASSYST Remote Procedures pro-bono.
  • Three days after the September 19, 2017 earthquake in Mexico City.
  • Thirteen days after the August 3, 2019 mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.
  • Shortly after the September 2019 Hurricane Dorian that devastated the Bahamas.
  • With First Responders (firefighters and medical personnel) and civilians who survived the January 23, 2019, gas explosion in Villa El Salvador, Peru.
  • One day after the February 21, 2020, landslide in Cochabamba, Bolivia that affected 188 families.
  • With immigrants in the United States three days after their escape from 21 days of organized crime’ captivity (2019).
  • With Mental Health practitioners that provided support after a school was bombed outside of Kabul in Afghanistan on May 8, 2021. At least 90 girls were killed.

ASSYST Learning Objectives

  • Explain the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) theoretical model.
  • Describe what pathogenic memories are.
  • Desscribe how the theoretical explanation behind the ASSYST procedures is a Meta-Theory and a transdiagnosis model.
  • Identify how to obtain nervous system regulation with intrusive memories and the impact that has on the clinical experience.
  • Explain how to utilize the ASSYST procedure with the general population in one’s private practice.
  • Identify what clinicians should do during critical care, rapid response, or early intervention and why.
  • Describe the conceptualization of the development of a pathogenic memory network and how targeting intrusive symptoms can stabilize the nervous system.
  • Explain how clinicians can keep a non-anxious presence to help stabilize the client’s nervous system.
  • Describe the relationship between the Polyvagal theory and the co-regulation.
  • Identify which environments and situation the therapist can use the ASSYST procedures to enhance their treatment plan.
  • Explain what Neuroception is and why it is important for co-regulation.
  • Explain how to use the ASSYST treatment procedures in a group, individual, and web-based formats.
  • Describe the importance of the Acute Stress Disorder and PTSD intrusion symptoms in clinical practice and how to treat those symptoms with the ASSYST.
  • Identify how clinicians can use the ASSYST Individual treatment intervention to decrease dissociative reactions during treatment.
  • Explain the ASSYST treatment procedures from the neurobiological and Adapting Information Processing perspectives.
  • Identify the pathogenic memories original components or “Memory DNA” to enhance clinical conceptualization processes.
  • Explain the difference between pathogenic memory degradation and pathogenic memory desensitization.
  • Describe examples of online and in-person support with the ASSYST treatment procedures.

Module 1: ASSYST-Individual

  • A Stepped-Care Approach (1:21:11)
  • An AIP-Informed Treatment Procedure (54:05)
  • ASSYST-Individual (in-person) Demonstration (16:05)
  • Questions and Answers (2:00:27)

Module 2: ASSYST-Group

  • Understanding the ASSYST Procedures (40:02)
  • ASSYST-Group Demonstration with Q&A (1:03:20)

Module 3: ASSYST-Remote

  • How to Provide the ASSYST-Remotely (3:00:06)
  • ASSYST-Remote Demonstration (49:11)
  • How To Treat Children With Creative Online Strategies with Paula Moreno (1:16:23)
  • Question and Answers (1:52:47)

TOTAL COURSE TIME: 13 hours, 13 minutes and 40 seconds


  • $215 USD – Standard Registration Price (90-day access)
  • $245 USD – Standard Registration Price with continuing education credits (90-day access)
  • $40 USD / month – Extended Access for previous purchases of this on-demand training


For participants who may need financial assistance, Scaling Up has created an Accessibility Plan to try to help mitigate financial stress. To learn more about the Accessibility Plan, click here.

Everyone who registers will receive access to the training recording to watch at their convenience for 90-days following their purchase.

Group Discounts are Available – Click here to view the Group Discounted Rates.
Contact Us at info@scalingupemdr.com to set up a discount for your group.

Testimonials from Attendees

100% recommend! All of their trainings are awesome! I also recently did the one on ongoing traumatic stress, which teaches you the PRECI and other protocols Definitely changed the way I do EMDR

Molly Roth

Colleagues – we just finished a remote group ASSYST offering – participants were surprised at the impact…

one person had an aha moment, other talked about the surprising thing that came up and how quickly things dropped in terms of distress levels…

Rebecca Rosenblum

“Dr. Jarero’s training really helped me with my work at our emergency shelter. The ASSYST procedure has helped me to stabilize some of the teens I see right after they enter the shelter. The ASSYST allows for stabilization before they begin their trauma work and it helps build rapport with the clients in a way where they know that you as a clinician can assist them through this difficult time. I really enjoyed Dr. Jarero’s training not just because of the protocols but also his delivery. He was so engaging that it did not even feel like a training.”

Lizet Lizardo, M.A., LPC-Intern

Tis the season to use the ASSYST! 3 times today. And all with success

Charissa Fry

The ASSYST is really helpful protocol!! Especially done remotely

Rebecca DuLac Hogg

Clinicians in our agency are using ASSYST with recent traumaS (witnessing fatal accidents, domestic violence assaults, etc) to reduce reactivity to recent event with clients with complex trauma history as well.

Michelle Spurgeon Torres

Hey everyone! some of you may have heard that Nacho and I were able to join a team of therapists in El Paso to conduct a Rapid response Team using the ASSYST group and individual producers related to those affected by the recent Walmart shooting. We were able to respond within 13 days of the event!

Kelly Smyth Dent

“I am deeply grateful and trust the ASSYST procedures as a powerful tool for a rapid and effective response to traumatic events. The ASSYST procedures  allows us to feel confident that with our intervention, sustained in a very clear and fluid procedures, we will achieve the reduction of intense patient disturbance, without the need to know precisely the details of the event, facilitating to  our patients the natural processing of the traumatic event, which in our case were severe situations of human rights violations.”

Dra María Eugenia Hurtado

“Unfortunately it happens often at the agency level that families or individuals need support to heal from trauma, but there are often many life stressors and instability that make it difficult to provide therapy. Your resources have helped me more confidently treatment plan for them and the children have been very interested in the skills.  They offer their own SUDs without prompting and are comfortable with using the butterfly hug for themselves.  They appear comfortable engaging and have been able to share good memories about their (deceased) father as well.”

Licensed Mental Health Counselor
  • Examples of online and in-person research with the ASSYST treatment procedures:

    Adverse Life Experiences, such as:

    • Kidnappings
    • COVID-19-related distress
    • Interpersonal violence
    • Sexual and physical abuse
    • Childhood neglect and maltreatment
    • Syrian refugees and their traumatic refugee experiences
    • Vicarious trauma for hospital workers

    Field work rapid response intervention after natural or man-made disasters, such as:

    • Since March 2022, we have been collaborating with the great work EMDR Europe has done addressing the Ukrainian population’s mental health needs with our ASSYST Humanitarian Psychosocial Project (HPP). As of November 29, 2022, our ASSYST HPP leader in Europe, Zuzana Cepelíková, reported that she and her team have trained on a pro-bono basis over 5,000 (five thousand) clinicians from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary and that those clinicians have been using the ASSYST procedures to successfully alleviate the suffering of countless Ukrainian children, adolescents, and adults’ refugees. To watch a video and learn more about this project, click here.
    • During 2020 & 2021, a total of 1,821 persons from the UK, USA, and Latin America received the ASSYST Remote Procedures pro-bono.
    • Three days after the September 19, 2017 earthquake in Mexico City.
    • Thirteen days after the August 3, 2019 mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.
    • Shortly after the September 2019 Hurricane Dorian that devastated the Bahamas.
    • With First Responders (firefighters and medical personnel) and civilians who survived the January 23, 2019, gas explosion in Villa El Salvador, Peru.
    • One day after the February 21, 2020, landslide in Cochabamba, Bolivia that affected 188 families.
    • With immigrants in the United States three days after their escape from 21 days of organized crime’ captivity (2019).
    • With Mental Health practitioners that provided support after a school was bombed outside of Kabul in Afghanistan on May 8, 2021. At least 90 girls were killed.
  • ASSYST Learning Objectives

    • Explain the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) theoretical model.
    • Describe what pathogenic memories are.
    • Desscribe how the theoretical explanation behind the ASSYST procedures is a Meta-Theory and a transdiagnosis model.
    • Identify how to obtain nervous system regulation with intrusive memories and the impact that has on the clinical experience.
    • Explain how to utilize the ASSYST procedure with the general population in one’s private practice.
    • Identify what clinicians should do during critical care, rapid response, or early intervention and why.
    • Describe the conceptualization of the development of a pathogenic memory network and how targeting intrusive symptoms can stabilize the nervous system.
    • Explain how clinicians can keep a non-anxious presence to help stabilize the client’s nervous system.
    • Describe the relationship between the Polyvagal theory and the co-regulation.
    • Identify which environments and situation the therapist can use the ASSYST procedures to enhance their treatment plan.
    • Explain what Neuroception is and why it is important for co-regulation.
    • Explain how to use the ASSYST treatment procedures in a group, individual, and web-based formats.
    • Describe the importance of the Acute Stress Disorder and PTSD intrusion symptoms in clinical practice and how to treat those symptoms with the ASSYST.
    • Identify how clinicians can use the ASSYST Individual treatment intervention to decrease dissociative reactions during treatment.
    • Explain the ASSYST treatment procedures from the neurobiological and Adapting Information Processing perspectives.
    • Identify the pathogenic memories original components or “Memory DNA” to enhance clinical conceptualization processes.
    • Explain the difference between pathogenic memory degradation and pathogenic memory desensitization.
    • Describe examples of online and in-person support with the ASSYST treatment procedures.
  • Module 1: ASSYST-Individual

    • A Stepped-Care Approach (1:21:11)
    • An AIP-Informed Treatment Procedure (54:05)
    • ASSYST-Individual (in-person) Demonstration (16:05)
    • Questions and Answers (2:00:27)

    Module 2: ASSYST-Group

    • Understanding the ASSYST Procedures (40:02)
    • ASSYST-Group Demonstration with Q&A (1:03:20)

    Module 3: ASSYST-Remote

    • How to Provide the ASSYST-Remotely (3:00:06)
    • ASSYST-Remote Demonstration (49:11)
    • How To Treat Children With Creative Online Strategies with Paula Moreno (1:16:23)
    • Question and Answers (1:52:47)

    TOTAL COURSE TIME: 13 hours, 13 minutes and 40 seconds


    • $215 USD – Standard Registration Price (90-day access)
    • $245 USD – Standard Registration Price with continuing education credits (90-day access)
    • $40 USD / month – Extended Access for previous purchases of this on-demand training


    For participants who may need financial assistance, Scaling Up has created an Accessibility Plan to try to help mitigate financial stress. To learn more about the Accessibility Plan, click here.

    Everyone who registers will receive access to the training recording to watch at their convenience for 90-days following their purchase.

    Group Discounts are Available – Click here to view the Group Discounted Rates.
    Contact Us at info@scalingupemdr.com to set up a discount for your group.

  • Testimonials from Attendees

    100% recommend! All of their trainings are awesome! I also recently did the one on ongoing traumatic stress, which teaches you the PRECI and other protocols Definitely changed the way I do EMDR

    Molly Roth

    Colleagues – we just finished a remote group ASSYST offering – participants were surprised at the impact…

    one person had an aha moment, other talked about the surprising thing that came up and how quickly things dropped in terms of distress levels…

    Rebecca Rosenblum

    “Dr. Jarero’s training really helped me with my work at our emergency shelter. The ASSYST procedure has helped me to stabilize some of the teens I see right after they enter the shelter. The ASSYST allows for stabilization before they begin their trauma work and it helps build rapport with the clients in a way where they know that you as a clinician can assist them through this difficult time. I really enjoyed Dr. Jarero’s training not just because of the protocols but also his delivery. He was so engaging that it did not even feel like a training.”

    Lizet Lizardo, M.A., LPC-Intern

    Tis the season to use the ASSYST! 3 times today. And all with success

    Charissa Fry

    The ASSYST is really helpful protocol!! Especially done remotely

    Rebecca DuLac Hogg

    Clinicians in our agency are using ASSYST with recent traumaS (witnessing fatal accidents, domestic violence assaults, etc) to reduce reactivity to recent event with clients with complex trauma history as well.

    Michelle Spurgeon Torres

    Hey everyone! some of you may have heard that Nacho and I were able to join a team of therapists in El Paso to conduct a Rapid response Team using the ASSYST group and individual producers related to those affected by the recent Walmart shooting. We were able to respond within 13 days of the event!

    Kelly Smyth Dent

    “I am deeply grateful and trust the ASSYST procedures as a powerful tool for a rapid and effective response to traumatic events. The ASSYST procedures  allows us to feel confident that with our intervention, sustained in a very clear and fluid procedures, we will achieve the reduction of intense patient disturbance, without the need to know precisely the details of the event, facilitating to  our patients the natural processing of the traumatic event, which in our case were severe situations of human rights violations.”

    Dra María Eugenia Hurtado

    “Unfortunately it happens often at the agency level that families or individuals need support to heal from trauma, but there are often many life stressors and instability that make it difficult to provide therapy. Your resources have helped me more confidently treatment plan for them and the children have been very interested in the skills.  They offer their own SUDs without prompting and are comfortable with using the butterfly hug for themselves.  They appear comfortable engaging and have been able to share good memories about their (deceased) father as well.”

    Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Available On-Demand or as a Private Group Training


Included in the cost of the ASSYST training is a total of 13-hours of teachings:

  • Learn the ASSYST procedures for individuals & groups in-person
  • Learn how to provide ASSYST procedures for individuals & groups remotely
  • Observe 4 videos demonstrations
  • Watch four recorded Q&As to answer all the common questions
  • Enjoy a 1-hour recorded webinar for online strategies of using the ASSYST for treating children

Private Group Trainings

Join the Scaling Up Team for 7.5-hours of live, online (or in-person) teachings, along with 7.5 NBCC and ASWB Continuing Education (CE) credits. This offering is to help make the training more affordable and accessible to agencies wanting to train a group of people at the same time in a private format.

Continuing Education (CE) Credits for the On-Demand Course


The Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) procedures course is eligible for 13 CEUs from EMDR México.


Licensure renewal CEs are available for a $30 fee. Scaling Up offers 13 CEs for NBCC clock hours and 13 Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) continuing education credits. It is the responsibility of the therapist to check with their licensure board for CE eligibility.

National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC): Scaling Up, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7065. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Scaling Up, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Psychotherapists completing this course will receive 13 continuing education credits.

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB): Scaling Up (provider number 1834), is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provisional regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Scaling Up maintains responsibility for this course. Social workers completing this course receive 13 continuing education credits.

New York Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Scaling Up, LLC is approved by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as a provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0309). Scaling Up, LLC is also approved by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as a provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0803). Thirteen (13) contact hours will be awarded upon completion of this course. Note: New York licensees who require NYS ED CE credits must request a certificate after completing the training to receive proper documentation.

American Psychological Association (APA): This course is not eligible for APA CEs. Scaling Up, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Scaling Up, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Psychologists completing this course will not receive continuing education credits.

*** This course is not eligible for EMDRIA or APA (American Psychological Association) continuing education credits (CEs). Licensed Psychologists taking this course will not receive any CEs. Mental health providers seeking EMDR Certification through EMDRIA will not receive EMDRIA CEUs for this course.

Cancellation Policies


Because the online course is emailed to the recipient immediately after purchase, the online training is non-refundable.

Participation Requirements

Skill Level: Advanced

Our intended audience are: 1) Licensed Therapists or 2) Pre-licensed therapists who have graduated with their master’s degree, who are working toward their clinical licensure and are under supervision, and 3) Master’s Level Graduate Students pursuing a career in mental health counseling.

Online, On-Demand Course Access

You will receive a login and password (by email) for our online training portal (Scaling Up Hub) on the day you purchase your course.

You will have access to all course materials 90 days after purchase for the on-demand only training. After 90 days, you will be given the option to continue to receive access to the course materials for $40 per month.

  • Continuing Education (CE) Credits for the On-Demand Course


    The Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) procedures course is eligible for 13 CEUs from EMDR México.


    Licensure renewal CEs are available for a $30 fee. Scaling Up offers 13 CEs for NBCC clock hours and 13 Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) continuing education credits. It is the responsibility of the therapist to check with their licensure board for CE eligibility.

    National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC): Scaling Up, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7065. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Scaling Up, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Psychotherapists completing this course will receive 13 continuing education credits.

    Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB): Scaling Up (provider number 1834), is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provisional regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Scaling Up maintains responsibility for this course. Social workers completing this course receive 13 continuing education credits.

    New York Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Scaling Up, LLC is approved by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as a provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0309). Scaling Up, LLC is also approved by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as a provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0803). Thirteen (13) contact hours will be awarded upon completion of this course. Note: New York licensees who require NYS ED CE credits must request a certificate after completing the training to receive proper documentation.

    American Psychological Association (APA): This course is not eligible for APA CEs. Scaling Up, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Scaling Up, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Psychologists completing this course will not receive continuing education credits.

    *** This course is not eligible for EMDRIA or APA (American Psychological Association) continuing education credits (CEs). Licensed Psychologists taking this course will not receive any CEs. Mental health providers seeking EMDR Certification through EMDRIA will not receive EMDRIA CEUs for this course.

  • Cancellation Policies


    Because the online course is emailed to the recipient immediately after purchase, the online training is non-refundable.

  • Participation Requirements

    Skill Level: Advanced

    Our intended audience are: 1) Licensed Therapists or 2) Pre-licensed therapists who have graduated with their master’s degree, who are working toward their clinical licensure and are under supervision, and 3) Master’s Level Graduate Students pursuing a career in mental health counseling.

  • Online, On-Demand Course Access

    You will receive a login and password (by email) for our online training portal (Scaling Up Hub) on the day you purchase your course.

    You will have access to all course materials 90 days after purchase for the on-demand only training. After 90 days, you will be given the option to continue to receive access to the course materials for $40 per month.

Group Discounted Rates for Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) Procedures

Standard Rate: $215

  • Group of 10-19 participants (20% discount): $172 per person
  • Group of 20-29 participants (30% discount): $150 each
  • Group of 30-39 participants (40% discount): $130 each
  • Group of 40+ participants (50% discount): $108 each

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